Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Gondor is located towards the middle-east of Middle Earth. It's capital city is Minas Tirith which is a massive castle which was sieged during the War of the Ring. Osgiliath was also an important city to Gondor but it had turned into the main battleground between Gondor and Mordor. There is also an outpost at Cair Andros but that was also destroyed by Mordor. During the War of the Ring, the leader of Gondor was the steward, Lord Denethor. He had two sons called Boromir and Faramir. Boromir was his favourite but he was slain by Lurtz during the battle at Amon Hen with the Fellowship and the Uruk Hai. He wished that Faramir died and not Boromir and sent Faramir to Osgiliath with some knights to retake the city. An Orc Archer saw them and then the rest saw them and they all fired killing everybody apart from Faramir. Faramir was then saved by Pippin and Gandalf from being burnt in the tombs. Pippin pushed him off the burning stack of wood and then Denethor noticed that he was alive. Then it was too late, and he caught fire and ran off the edge of Minas Tirith's top level and perished. Gondor buildings are made out of stone and they are a strong nation protecting Middle Earth from Mordor.

R = Resources

PP= Power Point(s)


Archery Range = 300R
Barracks = 300R
Blacksmith = 400R
Farm = 350R
Heroic Statue = 150R
Keep = 800R
Marketplace = 1500R
Stables = 800R
Stoneworker = 1500R
Well = 200R
Workshop = 2000R

Wall Expansions

Battle Tower = 800R
Postern Gate = 300R
Trebuchet = 1600R


Archers = 300R
Knights = 800R
Soldiers = 100R
Tower Guards = 400R
Trebuchet = 1600R


Boromir = 1400R
Faramir = 1200R
Gandalf = 6000R
Pippin = 100R


Banner Carrier = 600R  (300R for units)
Fire Stones = 850R(400R for Trebuchet)
Forged Blades = 800R (400R for units)
Grand Harvest = 1500R
Heavy Armour = 1000R(400R for units)
Iron Ore = 1500R
Numenorean Stonework = 2000R
Reinforced Gate = 750R
Siege Materials = 500R
Tower and Keep Archers = 2000R

Special Powers

Cloud Break = 6PP
Elven Wood = 1 PP
Gandalf the White = 2PP
Heal = 1PP
Summon Army of the Dead = 10PP
Summon Eagle Allies = 6PP
Summon Elven Allies = 3PP
Summon Rohan Allies = 3PP

Minas Tirith

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