Rohan is home to the horse lords and is ruled by King Theoden. It's capital city is Edoras, which is a large motte-bailey castle. Theoden sits in the Golden Hall there. The great fortress of Rohan is Helms Deep is situated in the White Mountains. Theoden had been ill for some time due to Saruman's servant, Grima Wormtongue. Then Gandalf came and released Theoden from Saruman's spell. Wormtongue was banished. During the spell, Grima had banished the Rohirrim. Rohan's elite horsemen. Among them was Eomer who was Theoden's adopted son. Theoden wondered where his real son Theodred was but then they told him that he had passed away. He died protecting some villages which were under attack by Dunlendings who swore allegiance to Saruman. He was buried and Theoden decided to evacuate his people to Helms Deep as he would not risk his people being attacked in open combat. Along the way, they were attacked by Warg Riders sent by Saruman to kill every one of them. The warg riders are killed by the soldiers, archers, Theoden, Gamling, Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn. Aragorn was flung off a cliff at the end and the rest leave in despair thinking that he's dead. Meanwhile, Eowyn (Theodens adopted daughter) leads the people to Helms Deep. Then the warriors return to Helms Deep. His people seem happy and feel safe. Aragorn starts to make his way to Helms Deep but sees a massive army of Uruk Hai who are also going there. Aragorn arrives at Helms Deep and tells the king about the incoming 10,000 Uruk - Hai. They prepare for war. They are sent some elves by Elrond and they are led by Haldir, the warrior of Lorien. There is a massive battle and they just about saved when Gandalf arrives with the banished Rohirrim and kill the Uruk Hai. They are victorious. Later on, when Mordor are attacking Gondor, Rohan launch a massive attack to aid Gondor. They trample 1000's of Orcs and think they've won but Mordor reinforcements come. Massive oliphaunts called Mummakil come rushing in. During the battle, Theoden is slain by the Witch King of Angmar. However, Rohan save the day and continue patrolling the west of Middle Earth.
R = Resources
PP = Power Point(s)
Archery Range = 350R
Armoury = 1500R
Farm = 350R
Heroic Statue = 150R
Stable = 600R
Well = 200R
Wall Buildings
Battle Tower = 800R
Postern Gate = 300R
Wall Banner = 800R
Elven Warriors = 700R
Ent = 1000R
Peasants = 100R
Rohirrim Warrior = 600R
Rohirrim Archer = 1000R
Yeoman Archer = 300R
Aragorn = 3000R
Eomer = 1200R
Eowyn = 1200R
Gimli = 2500R
Legolas = 3000R
Merry = 100R
Theoden = 1200R
Treebeard = 2000R
Banner Carrier = 600 (300 for units)
Forged Blades = 800 (400 for units)
Heavy Armour = 1000 (400 for units)
Horse Shield = 1000 (400 for units)
Special Powers
Anduril = 2PP
Draft = 1PP
Cloud Break = 6PP
Elven Wood = 3PP
Heal = 1PP
Summon Army of the Dead = 10PP
Summon Elven Allies = 3PP
Summon Ent Allies = 8PP
Edoras |
Helms Deep |
Theoden |
Eowyn and Eomer |
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